The article discusses the innovative solution of the issues of reclamation of dusting surfaces of the tailing toxic waste from the tin ore processing of the closed mining enterprise in the Primorsky Territory of the Far Eastern Federal District. It is shown that the large amounts of enrichment waste accumulated in the last century during the intensive development of tin mineral deposits led to the destruction and degradation of forest ecosystems. Dangerous disturbances of ecological balance, pollution of the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere by a wide range of toxic heavy metal compounds have been revealed. The enrichment wastes stored in tailings, the conservation and reclamation of which were not carried out contrary to the Russian legislation, contributed to the large-scale transformation of the ecosystems basic component ‒ soil, as well as vegetation. The relevance of the above issue is related to the need to preserve and restore an eco-friendly environment within the influence of the man-made system. In this regard, the aim of the study was to reproduce the productivity of the lands withdrawn from the forest fund disturbed by the tailing dump using the biological systems potential (bioremediation) to ensure environmental and social safety of toxic wastes from tin ore processing in the Primorsky territory. Based on experimental studies, the assessment of waste as a potential source of technogenic pollution of the ecosphere was made, and an innovative technological solution was developed to rehabilitate the tailings dusting surface. It was proved experimentally that it ts possible to use the following composition to recreate the productivity of technologically polluted substrate tailings: 1) biochar - 30%; 2) zeolites - 5%, humic acids - 5%; 3) waste of ore-enrichment of tin-containing raw materials - 60%. The novelty of the proposed composition is confirmed by the Patent of the Russian Federation (2018).
Affiliation of speaker | Pacific National University |
Position of speaker | Professor of the Department |